Monday, September 30, 2013

The Truth About Israel – What Americans Need to Know

by Connie Cook Smith

The American people are confused about the morality of modern-day Israel, because our schools and churches leave out essential Jewish history.

The European people who were shipped in to occupy Palestine as a Jewish homeland in 1948 are not related to the biblical Hebrews of Jesus’ time.

The biblical Hebrews are symbolized by the Cain and Abel story, brothers who fell out with each other and whose lineage became the two factions we know as Jews and Arabs. But Jews and Arabs are both biologically Semitic people – they are cousins — and despite their “family feud, they are anciently related by blood and culture.

Later on, Jews and Arabs became even more seemingly disparate due to the introduction of Islam.  One tribe kept their Judaism, while the other became Muslim, and there is what we’ve perceived as the warring factions of today.

But what has been purposely obscured is a third element that entered and has inflamed the Middle East ever since.  It was European Jewish people who were brought in after WWII for the purpose of occupying much of Palestine and resurrecting the ancient name of Israel. This was a political agenda, not a humanitarian intention.

These Europeans had long ago emerged from Khazaria (southern Russia), where their king – for the purpose of greater, unified control – converted them to the Babylonian schools of Judaism in the 8th century. Thus, not only their DNA, but their perspectives are a different reality from the Judean teachings in Jesus’ world.

What we have in modern Israel, then, is an artificially created state dominated by Jews who have no geographic, genetic, nor spiritual connections to biblical Israel or the time of Jesus.

Once this is known — and churches and schools ought to be honest about it — then it’s much easier to understand what many world voices have long cried out: That today’s Israelis who came in from Europe in 1948 did not really have a right to occupy the Palestinian area and re-name it as ancient-days Israel – especially since the Palestinian residents’ families and lands – and even some of their homes that might be still standing – go back over a thousand years.

Modern Israelis simply have no actual connection to the land, to regional traditions, or to the time of Christ. And Christians and Jews who are properly informed – and who are ethical – need to join in the heartfelt objection to the 1948 (and ongoing) usurpation of the Palestinians’ land.

Most especially what is morally required is the cessation of all the cruelties against the Palestinians that have inevitably followed.  As President Harry Truman observed right from the beginning of the creation of this modern, artificial Israel:

August 23, 1947, letter to Eleanor Roosevelt –

“I fear very much that the Jews are like all underdogs. When they get on top, they are just as intolerant and cruel as the people were to them when they were underneath. I regret this situation very much because my sympathy was always on their side.”

Hamas of Palestine and Hezbollah of Lebanon try to defend against Israel’s agenda of taking over more and more of their territory. But this defense against Israeli aggression is mis-portrayed in America as “terrorism.” The bad guys are good, and the good guys are bad!  The Palestinians are like a woman who has been raped, and then is told by the world she has no right to be angry.

This unjust situation goes back at least to the Balfour Declaration of 1917, whereby Britain announced that Palestine must be given to the Jews and be re-born as Israel.  But wait — they did not refer to the Jews that were already there – they did not mean the 20% of the Jewish population in Palestine who are descended from Jesus’ time and place.

They meant that Palestine should be given to members of the other 80% of the world’s Jews, to those who were belated converts originally in Russia, shipped in in 1948, and have no historical connection with either the land of Israel or the Hebrews.

Many were connected, however, to British/American banking and oil interests – who, by whatever it takes to get themselves a foothold in the rich Middle East – have been and continue to wreak havoc and commit mayhem on our planet.

This plan, their policy, is called Zionism. It is not the Jewish religion.  It is not Judaism. Zionism is a political strategy to use Jewish issues as a club to beat people over the head with, in order to enable the criminal occupation going on in Palestine – an occupation which is always criminally trying to expand – and which is conducted by usurpers who have no right to be there.

So there was this open Zionist/Israel agenda, by that name even – Zionism — in 1917. But haven’t we all been told that the justification for taking Palestine from the Palestinians was the noble purpose of compensation for the horrors of the Holocaust in WWII? Then how is it that the British plan for doing this, with America signing on, appeared nearly 30 years earlier?

The plan stated that the Palestinians whose specific lands were targeted to re-emerge as the old Israel would be treated justly whenever the takeover could be engineered. But of course, the moment it actually occurred, the occupied ones found themselves ghetto-ized, disenfranchised, and grotesquely abused.

President Truman was infuriated by this, as expressed above in his letter to Mrs. Roosevelt. Also,on July 21, 1947, he wrote in his diary:

“These Jews I find are very, very selfish… when they have power, physical, financial or political, neither Hitler nor Stalin has anything on them for cruelty or mistreatment to the underdog….”

It would be absurd to label Truman’s words as “anti-Semitic,” just as it is absurd to label today’s world-wide, anti-Israel sentiments as “anti-Semitic.” It should be clear by now that the Israelis who rule there have no Semitic heritage whatsoever. They are European/British/American conquerors.  They are not the small percentage of ancient Judean Jews – who find themselves just as occupied as the Palestinians.

For example, if a Middle-Eastern-descended Jew in Israel (a native, the Sephardim minority) gets lucky, and marries into the imported European (Ashkenazim) majority — that is, marries into the Jewish class that rules – the couple is nevertheless demoted lower down on the housing waiting-lists. Housing priority is reserved for the “pure couples,” for those mates who are both of European descent – or from European/British/American backgrounds.

In case that doesn’t give you Hitlerian chills, then maybe this will. The darker-skinned, original Jews are regarded as the n-word by the lighter skinned, blond-haired, often blue-eyed Israeli ruling class.

(The situation over there is not these movie stars’ fault, but remember Adam Sandler’s hilarious song?  “Goldie Hawn, and Paul Newman, too.  I find myself thinkin’ – What a good-lookin’ Jew!”)

But it’s been nothing but displacement, ghetto conditions, and even outright murder for the Palestinians (Arabs) and their also dark-skinned cousins, the native Jews.  This is how it’s been over there since the “glorious” creation of the State of Israel, with the American people bleeding out $3 billion in aid every year for Israel’s “defense,” and being fed daily hogwash about who’s doing what to whom.

And to those who are manipulated into thinking all this is “biblical” and therefore “meant to be by God,” please note that’s exactly what the occupation planners – long before the Holocaust – knew they could count on.

Please also recall that slavery and forced polygamy and other inhumane institutions, once vociferously defended by Bible-believers, are now understood as totally morally wrong.

It ought to be clear that in Israel and America, the scum on top of both ponds has risen – especially since 2001 — and they are ruining our whole world. They do want, and they are trying to ignite, an Armageddon so that their world dictatorship will be accepted – to “solve the problems.”

And they are counting on those who believe in Armageddon – just like those who believed in slavery and polygamy because they were biblical – to help the evil plans along, via constant and deeply misguided support for Israel.

Whatever a person’s religious beliefs, there should be no question that the daily brutality towards the Palestinians is wrong, as the theft of Palestinians’ lands and destruction of their homes has always been wrong.

If we don’t want to end up deeply ashamed – and ALL totally enslaved – we need to pull the plug on the criminals who have been secretly running both America and Israel now for decades.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Israeli historian: ‘Jews are not Semitic people’

Israeli historian, professor Eran Elhaik (Johns Hopkins University) in a study published by the Genome Biology And Evolution on December 5, 2012, had claimed that the European Jews (Ashkenazis) are not Semitic (Hebrew) people but are decendents of Khazarian Turkic tribes.

This revelation by a member of fellow tribe – hit the very core of the Zionists’ myth that ancestors of Eyropean Jews were expelled from historic Palestine by the Goyim armies. Instead of challenging Dr. Elhaik’s claim that previous genetic studies conducted by Jewish scientists like Harry Ostrer (Yeshiva University’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine), were intentionally cooked the books (‘Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People’, etc.) to support Zionist narrative.

Since the publication of the study, Elhaik has been called “a self-hating Jew” and “antisemite”. Fed-up with Supremacists’ name-calling – Elhaik has thrown an open challenge to his accusers to come up with some new genetic data to prove that European Jews belong to the original Semite tribes.

Though oral history suggests Middle Eastern ties to almost all Jewish community, genetic evidence is scant. The question of Jewish origin has broad implications beyond history, which have critical relevance for medicine, anthropology, linguistics, social justice, and more,” says Elhaik. You can read more on this subject at Elhaik’s personal website, here.

Elhaik explains his position on this subject as follows: “Some people say Jewishness is a religion. People can join or depart from it, like in any other religion. Others say that Jewishness is in the genes, i.e., looking at one’s genome can tell you if this person is a Jew. This camp consists of scientists who also claim that all Jews in the world share that genetic part as opposed to non-Jews [who do not]. Moreover, the State of Israel now uses tests for Jewishness based on such studies. To make it more clear, according to this camp, one can envision a biological weapon targeted to wipe out only Jews.
To put this question to test, I propose to see whether the genetic Jewishness camp can prove their claims. I will simulate Jews’ and non-Jews’ offspring by taking genetic data of Jews and non-Jews and creating offspring that would have Jew-Jew and nonJew-nonJew and Jew-nonJew parents. If Jewishness is in the genes, scientists should be able to correctly detect which of the offspring is Jews and which are not by following the Jewish gene. If they are wrong then Jewishness is a religion not a genetic condition, then their papers should be retracted. Consequently, it would prove that no test can be used to detect Jews, suggesting that the test employed by the state of Israel is for Ashkenazi Jews only (this is the reference population used in these cases) [should be stopped]. Major proponents of the “Jewishness in the gene” were personally invited this morning and so was Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

Another Jewish historian, Benjamin H. Freedman, in his book ‘Facts Are Facts‘, also claimed that Ashkenazis are not Semitic people, but went even further by claiming that the word “Jew” did not come into existence until the year 1775.

On November 21, 2001, Israeli daily Haaretz reported a DNA study conducted by Hebrew University professors Ariella Oppenheim and Marina Feirman found out that “there is a close genetic connection between Jews and Kurds”. According to Israeli sources, there are over 50,000 Israeli Kurd Jewish citizens.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Al-Sisi’s a Jew! Egypt is Now Israeli-Occupied Territory

The Greater Israel Project – a long-standing Zionist scheme to steal all the land between the Nile and the Euphrates – is halfway there.

They just stole the Nile.

The problem is not that Egypt’s new thug-in-chief, General Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi, is a Jew. (His mother, Malikah Titani, is a Moroccan Jew from Asefi, which makes al-Sisi a Jew and an automatic citizen of Israel.)

If the Egyptian people want to elect a Jew president in a free and fair election – like they elected the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) to the Lower House with 73% of the vote, the Upper House with 80% of the vote, the presidency with 52% of the vote, and approved the MB Constitution with 64% of the vote – that’s fine with me.

The problem is that al-Sisi has concealed his Jewish identity and Israeli connections from the Egyptian people…and destroyed their nascent democracy through deception and mass murder.

An even bigger problem: al-Sisi is almost certainly a Mossad agent. That means al-Sisi’s Egypt is not just a brutal, banana-republic-style dictatorship. It is Israeli-occupied territory: The newest and largest province of ever-expanding Greater Israel.

No wonder the Israeli ambassador called al-Sisi “a national hero for all Jews.”

Al-Sisi’s uncle, Uri Sibagh (sometimes spelled as Sabbagh) served in the Jewish Defense League (Hamagein) from 1948 to 1950, made his aliyah to Israel, and became a bigwig in Ben Gurion’s political party, serving as the secretary of the Israeli Labor Party in Beersheba from 1968 to 1981. Uri’s sister – al-Sisi’s mother – presumably emigrated to Egypt on a mission from the Mossad. That mission culminated when the Mossad overthrew President Morsi and installed its agent al-Sisi in the coup d’état of July 3rd, 2013.

The implication: Al-Sisi has been a lifelong Mossad agent. His mission: infiltrate the highest levels of power in an Arab Muslim country. Al-Sisi is today’s version of Elie Cohen, who infiltrated the highest levels of power in Syria under the name Kamal Amin Thabet before he was exposed and hanged in the public square in Damascus.

George H.W. Bush’s famous line, “If the people knew the truth, they would chase us down the street and lynch us” applies – in spades – to al-Sisi.

It has been widely reported in the mainstream media, as well as by more reliable sources, that al-Sisi has long served as the Egyptian military’s liason with Israel. During the coup d’état of July 3rd, al-Sisi was in permanent liason by telephone with the Israeli and American militaries. (Israel promised its full support, and guaranteed that US aid would not be cut off, while the US waffled.)

The Egyptian coup, especially its propaganda component, had all the earmarks of an Israeli black op. A massively financed campaign run through Egypt’s Israeli-linked mainstream media (yes, the same folks own big media there as here) repeatedly compared President Morsi to Adolf Hitler! The fact that “Morsi = Hitler” was the number one talking point of the forces behind the coup reveals that those forces were Zionists, not Egyptians. Apparently the Zionists couldn’t stop themselves from making reflexive Dr. Strangelove-style anti-Hitler salutes while they were orchestrating the al-Sisi coup – thereby giving their game away.

Since the coup, Israel has been lavishing praise, money, and support on al-Sisi.  Mossad agent al-Sisi has virtually declared war on Palestine by going all-out to close the Gaza border tunnels that keep the people of Gaza alive. Meanwhile, al-Sisi has taken billions of dollars from the Rothschild puppets and likely donmeh crypto-Jews who call themselves the “House of Saud.”

Obviously the Zionist-dominated West and its Middle Eastern puppets will not allow Muslims to elect relatively honest leaders in free elections. Instead, they will use deception and violence to pursue their schemes for regional and global domination.

The Egyptian people – who elected the Muslim Brotherhood by a greater landslide than any US political party has won in all of American history – need a real Islamic revolution to create a genuine democracy. Without it, Egypt will indefinitely remain “a boot stamping on a human face – forever”…and a permanent province of Greater Israel, ruled by a Jewish-Zionist thug who has appointed himself pharaoh, while hiding his real background and loyalties.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Egypt Army Demolishes Homes in Rafah, Threatens to Expel Residents

An Egyptian policeman stands guard near the scene of a bomb that targeted the convoy of Egyptian Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim in Cairo on 5 September 2013.(Photo: AFP - Gianluigi Guercia)

The Egyptian armed forces are conducting a military operation in Sinai along the border in Rafah. While the operation’s stated objectives include pursuing “terrorists” and armed Islamic groups, the assault is threatening to drive residents from the area.

Sinai – In parallel with the military operation launched by the Egyptian army in Sinai, eyewitnesses confirmed to Al-Akhbar that the army is also demolishing homes on the Egyptian side of Rafah, without compensating owners and even threatening to expel them. It seems that the army wants to establish a buffer zone along the border with the Gaza Strip.

A high-level army commander visited several neighborhoods adjacent to the border on the evening of Saturday, August 31, to ask residents to evacuate their homes within a week in preparation for their demolition. According to Khaled Samir, a resident of Rafah, the military commander in question came to the neighborhood of Qanabza in plainclothes, giving the residents a week before the army would begin razing buildings within a 500-meter radius from the line separating the Egyptian and Palestinian sides of Rafah.

When asked whether the residents were compensated, Samir answered sarcastically, “We have all built palaces out of the profits from the tunnels.” Taking on a more serious tone, Samir rejected what he called generalizations and collective punishment, saying that he has not been able to get married yet because his government salary was not even enough to cover his basic needs.

The threat of expelling dozens of families without compensation led residents of the area to stage a small protest on Sunday. Tensions in the city were fueled further when the army began demolishing homes owned by the Shaweir family, prompting their occupants to threaten to blow themselves up using cooking gas bottles should the army come in. But a field commander intervened and ended the standoff, telling the residents that the demolition would be stopped and that they would not be expelled.

However, this did not last for more than a day. On Monday afternoon, the army resumed demolishing homes, which the locals stressed did not contain any tunnels. This puts the total number of homes demolished in Rafah in the span of three weeks at nine, some using explosives and others using bulldozers.

Human rights activists from Sheikh Zowaid, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Al-Akhbar that when they went to document the demolitions, they were warned by local residents not to approach because there was a “settling of scores” taking place between the owners of the homes and Egyptian intelligence officers.

Meanwhile, the residents of the border region claimed that the vehicles carrying goods to be smuggled through the tunnels could still be seen passing as usual, while most tunnels were operating efficiently. These residents said that the demolished tunnels shown in propaganda pictures by the Egyptian army accounted for only a small number of the tunnels supplying goods to Gaza.

According to the official account, only homes adjacent to tunnels are being demolished. However, residents of Rafah say that the number of destroyed tunnels is less than half the number of homes.

On the eastern side of the border, residents of the Gaza Strip complain of a fuel crisis, which has produced long lines at gas stations, but they did not complain about any shortage in basic goods or high inflation. According to a security source, stepping up control over the tunnels on the Egyptian side affects the passage of individuals, fuel, subsidized goods, and weapons. But basic goods are allowed in so that the humanitarian crisis in Gaza will not worsen further and blow up in the face of the Egyptian authorities, as the source put it.

In parallel with the demolitions, the army has carried out attacks against what it says are militant positions, but which have affected civilian homes. On Tuesday, Egyptian army Apache helicopters bombed positions in the villages of Thuma and Muqataa, south of Sheikh Zuwaid and Rafah, but local sources said that four empty houses in Thuma were hit, including an abandoned cottage belonging to a radical Islamist from the Nile Valley.

Two homes were also attacked in the village of Muqataa, and parts of the Abu Munir mosque nearby came under fire. While locals said that there were no fatalities, state television claimed that more than 10 were killed and several more injured. Neighbors living near the bombed houses denied the official account, which claimed that weapons caches had been the targets.

On Wednesday morning, the Salafi Jihadi Group in Sinai issued a statement accusing the army of deceit and treason, citing the civilian homes destroyed in the bombardment and the damage sustained by the mosque.

The statement said that the home of the family of Yusri Muharib al-Sawarka, who was assassinated by an Israeli drone during Eid al-Fitr, was also targeted in the bombing. The statement was supplemented by a few dozen pictures of the aftermath of the bombardment on the mosque and the homes, including detailed information about the remnants of rockets used.

Interestingly, Debka, a website close to Israeli intelligence, published a comment on the incidents in Sinai, saying that this was the first time in eight years that the Egyptian army fulfilled commitments agreed to by Hosni Mubarak in 2005 following the Israeli unilateral disengagement from Gaza.

According to Debka’s report, the Egyptian army, since the ouster of Mohamed Mursi, has pursued two strategies simultaneously to crack down on “terrorists” who Debka claims pose a threat to both Egypt and Israel: establish a 14 km buffer zone along the border with Gaza and erect dozens of checkpoints in the region to restrict logistical supplies to the militants.
