Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lala-Land, Minimizing Genocidal "Israel" as mere Apartheid and the Myth of "One State"

Nahida the Exiled Palestinian

This poll which clearly concludes that "Most of the Jewish public in Israel supports the establishment of an apartheid regime in Israel if it formally annexes the West Bank" comes as a slap in the face of those so called "supporters" who want to trick Palestinians into accepting the so called "One State" solution as an alternative to liberating Palestine, thus inviting "Israeli" Jews to EXPAND and ANNEX the entire land of Palestine, while knowing that such fabricated "society" is rampant with supremacy and racism. Those who tirelessly advocate for "equal rights" for thieves and mass murderers conveniently "forget" that such "solution" would only help finalize the zionist project.

How can "equal rights" ever be achieved when 70% of "Israeli-Jews" believe they are the "chosen".

It's about time that our "supporters" took into consideration that ideological component which create such racist supremacist "society" and foment hatred and contempt of the "other". It is crucial to understand such glaring factor -which they adamantly refuse to integrate into the equation, before suggesting "solutions" to Palestinians.

Promoting the one state solution – i.e the state of Israel – that will annex all the Palestinian land including those of 1967 and will grant equal rights to all, including supremacists and invaders who are still flooding to Palestine as we speak. Such solution would means that we give the occupier our blessing to finally their Zionist project and "peacefully" take full control over us.

They are and they still would be running full momentum the apparatus of power; military, social, financial, economic, logistic, legal, educational, basically FACTS ON THE GROUNDS as usual would remain in the hands of SUPREMACISTS.

"One State with equal rights for all" is allegedly the "great solution", the carrot, the bait which has been swallowed by some SOROS Fellows Palestinian "intellectuals" to the delight of Zionists. One Land, Two people UNDER THE BANNER OF ISRAEL !

This is NO SOLUTION. The only acceptable solution is the FULL LIBERATION of PALESTINE. and PERPETRATORS MUST BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE. Otherwise we will end up being slaves in our own land, because we are aware now of the supremacist ideology of our occupiers who -because of centuries of ideological indoctrination, lack the ability to view other non-Jews as equals.

Post-Zionist "Israeli" intellectuals and their supporters realize that time is running out for their entity, it is simply not possible for them to save and preserve their "Jewish state" without making a "deal" with Palestinians which would grant them legitimacy and absolve them from future prosecution for their crimes against humanity.

They understand that they need to reach a final settlement with Palestinians which would allow them to secure their permanent presence and control in Palestine, a land they illegally conquered and to polish their severely damaged reputation with the least possible "cost" and maximum gain.

Their "perception-management" experts approach fame-craved Palestinians, offer them platforms, open career-doors for them in return of promoting the sell-off  of the concept of liberation, and of preparing the ground so that Palestinians would give up on their rights and aspiration and voluntarily accept the final take over of their Homeland. They do so by presenting the illegitimate theft of Palestine, the dispossession of Palestinians, ethnic cleansing and slow continuous genocide as mere "apartheid" comparable with South Africa, forgetting that the European occupation of South Africa occurred centuries before the establishing of International Law, Geneva Convention and Nuremberg Principles which declared genocide, wars of conquest and wars of aggression as illegal, all of which "Israel" is guilty of.

 For this reason, and to achieve their aim of minimizing the crimes of  the Zionist entity, by promoting South African Anti Apartheid model instead of say Algeria Liberation model, they have engaged in what they call "anti racist" campaign that has targeted Palestinians and pro Palestinian activists who dared to expose the deadly supremacist ideology of the majority of the occupiers of Palestine, and who exposed the global Jewish-Zionist role and influence. The reason for this vicious campaign is to marginalize any voice Palestinian or otherwise, who call for FULL LIBERATION OF PALESTINE, instead of succumbing to be slaves in their own Homeland.

Supporting the illegal state of Israel by presenting it as a normal state with some apartheid policies that can be changed, and by calling for the EXPANDING of the state to include what is left of Palestine. we simply sell our souls. 
Still live in La-La-land about "Israel"?

Time to wake up: The Map of the “Greater Israel” even is hammered on their currency

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