Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Israel the Rogue State

Global Research, June 1, 2010

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad - 2010-05-31

1. I am horrified at the violence employed by Israel to stop the ships from carrying humanitarian supplies to Gaza (read here). The ships are in international waters, yet the arrogant Israelis do not care to respect international laws and convention.

2. The claim that the people on the ships are carrying sharp objects is ridiculous. Are they going to fight the well armed Israeli soldiers with sharp objects?

3. Do Israeli soldiers shoot to kill people carrying sharp objects? The act is most cowardly and deserving only of brutes, not civilised people.

4. What kind of world are we living in when it allows a rogue state to use violence and killings against unarmed people on a mission of charity.

Mahathir Mohamad is a frequent contributor to Global Research. Global Research Articles by Mahathir Mohamad


  1. do you actually believe what you write?
    or just like to tell lies?
    1. the ships entered israeli water, and were given a chance to safely dock at ashdod. the movies released from the mavi marmara ship, showing clearly knives,bottles,slingshots club and so on.
    3.they do not shoot to kill, but they do shoot to kill in self defense, as you can clearly see in the movies showing the raids, the soldiers where being attacked brutaly.
    4.the only rogue state is palestine, and other arab countries where they execute regime opponents, and cut off the hands of thieves and so on. I didn't hear you saying anything about sadam when he executed thousands of people, or anything about iran torturing and killing their own citizens.
    and again the people on the mavi marmara where not peace activist they were armed terrorist looking for confrontation

  2. The peace actives has every right to defend
    themselves from an act of war by the terrorist
    state of israel, a country with no right to exist.
    israel is a illegal nation of murdering cowards
    that shot women and children in the back. They
    fired on the ship before they illegally boarded
    and all of the commandos should be turned
    over to Turkey for prosecution. israel will soon
    be wiped off the map and not by any foreign
    enemy, but by their own Nazi like actions,
    and the sooner the better. Everything you
    posted here is a lie because that what people
    like you do.

  3. all you can spout from your mouth are more lies and talk like a demagog,
    Israel has an ancient history of thousands of years proved by the bible and historic findings, and written history of the romans and greeks accepted by many millions of christians and by the prophet mohamad himself. can you say the bible is a lie in contrary to your prophet? can you speak with any facts at all?
    did not the palestinian freedom movments hamans and such murdered children and women in their terror acts? which were directly and on purpose made against civilians in contrary to the israeli army which targets only terrorists? why don't you protest against the peace activist jailed and executed in iran?
    All your hatred is because the ancient conflict between issac and ishmael repent your bad ways or suffer at the end of days when the messaiah comes to prove that the eternity of israel will not lie

  4. Not only are you a liar but you're
    easily fooled also. The bible is
    just a book of fables and has nothing to do with
    reality. There is no historical evidence and king
    david and soloman are also fables with no proof
    that they ever existed. I do have a great deal of
    respect for Muhammad but I am not Muslim
    you only speak of Jewish history stolen from
    other cultures. There was never a state of Israel
    both the Romans and Greeks called it Palestine.
    The closes thing was the province of Judea that
    was from Jerusalem, were now the Nazi IDF is
    committing ethnic cleansing against the only
    people that have a right to exist there, to the
    dead sea. In 70ad the romans kicked the Jews
    out of Judea not isreal, they continued to live in
    Palestine and then in 685ad the Muslims invited
    the Jews back to Jerusalem were they lived in
    peace together for almost 1400 years until a bunch
    of European, Russian and American AshkeNAZI
    Jews, false Jews< stole the land with terrorism.
    The Israel military commits war crimes against
    civilians all the time, just ask Zionist Judge
    Goldstone. The Israeli idf is without morals and
    should all be tried for murder. Anyone with a brain
    knows the attack on the ship was against international
    maritime law just as the blockade on Gaza is in
    violation of international law. You cannot blockade
    a country that you have not declared war with
    and israHELL has never declared war on Gaza.
    israels time is coming to an end. Now go and crawl
    back under you rock.

  5. it does not matter what name it was, it matters that the jews have more history here than any other people, especialy the palestinians.
    goldstone was an apartheid judge in south africa were he sentenced to death many black people, based on their race. I would not put my trust in such a hypocrite.
    The province was indeed called judea because if you would have known any history you would have known that the jews back than called hebrews (different name but it doesnt make it different meaning) were split at around 900 bc into two states judea and israel, while israel were deported by the asirians at around 700bc and judea by the babylonians at 540bc only to be returned by a well documented history event both in the bible and in the koresh stone, were the babylonian ruler decided to let the hebrews now called jews to the land of israel.
    the tools of the temple are on the roman gate of victory, so the jews were here long before any other race or people that exist today, and it doesn't matter what name you decide to give it.
    There can be no arguments with people like you that fail to respond to why you are so interested in israel, while other countries especially arab countries have no respect to human rights at all, and commit executions, mass murders and genocide.
    ethnic cleansing? please... where are we hiding all the bodies with all the media around?
    go check the maritime law before speaking such non sense

  6. First of all the bible is not a
    history book it is a book of
    hearsay and fables but I’m not surprised that
    someone as dishonest as you tries to use it
    to justify your lies since you have nothing else.
    It is the racist israelis’ that have no respect for
    human life and now the whole world is seeing
    that. Ethnic cleansing means deportation and
    forced emigration which is what is happening
    in the west bank and Jerusalem right now and
    most of the world knows it so again your stupidity
    and dishonesty comes shinning through. ALL
    archaeological evidence shows that the Hebrews
    built their cities on top of cities that were already
    there. Even IDF soldiers have come out and admitted
    they were told to target civilians in Gaza, maybe
    you should read Haaretz once and a while. But we
    both know you’re not interested in the truth right?
    I have checked international maritime law and posted
    it on this blog. Why don’t you check it and prove
    me wrong? Oh wait….it’s not written about in the
    bible is it. Now as I’ve already said, GO BACK AND
    CRAWL UNDER YOUR ROCK. The only reason I
    don’t delete your stupidity is to allow other readers
    to see the true ugly face of zionisim. Also I don’t
    do this because I’m against israel I do it because
    I’m for Palestine and the Palestinian people. The
    only people with a true right to live there and the
    only people with a right to defend themselves
    against a brutal foreign invader.
