Sunday, November 22, 2009

Did Israel Kill JFK? Wouldn’t that Suck?

1. Michael Collins Piper deeply believes that Israel was intimately involved in the assassination of JFK. Unfortunately, his book on the subject, which I highly recommend everyone buy and pass around, is temporarily out of print. You can still get a one brand new copy for $999.99 dollars at Amazon, and used copies for around $840.00. I’d say it’s a steal at any price.

BTW, could you imagine an out of print book by Elie “the Fraud” Wiesel having a price like that? It shows that not all of us are complete total Zionist stooges. Maybe there is hope. But I digress. Hold on, I want to keep digressing. Elie Wiesel is an absolute one hundred percent piece of Zionist Bullshit. There, I feel better now. Read this one too.

Anyway you might still be able to get Piper’s book for a reasonable price from WingTV – Victor Thorn and Lisa Guliani’s site if the book is still in stock. You can read about the book here and here. Also, Amazon does have copies at reasonable prices – thanks to John in the comments section for pointing this out. Search on “Final Judgment Piper” and you’ll find it. I addition, Michael Collins Piper himself just now sent me an email and notes that the Ebook version of Final Judgment is available here:

Back to Elie Wiesel for a minute. You know, it makes me sick to think that pigs like this:

Elie "the Fraud" Wiesel

Might have had something to do with murdering this guy:

No, I don’t mean Elie did it himself, he would not have the guts. Of course he does have the Nobel Prize for being a flaming asshole or something.

You know, if they did murder JFK, it would not be the last time the Israelis would deliberately kill people with US Navy service.

Anyway, it’s 46 years to the day of his assassination so here’s the Zapruder film for you all.

2. For reasons not all of which are entirely clear to me, I think the picture below fits nicely into this post.

The caption reads "Captain McGonagle shaking hands with the crew"

This picture is of the USS Liberty Memorial Public Library in Grafton, Wisconsin. Click on the picture to see more photos along with a very nice essay about the event. Click here and here more info about the USS Liberty.

Captain McGonagle earned the Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery and leadership under terrible circumstances. He wasn’t invited to Monaco to big gala diners. He was treated like a Palestinian.

Something’s coming soon folks. Yes indeed.

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